What's the word on the Arden Breds who went through the ring at the NZB Standardbred Sales in February?
* Captaintreacherous colt Perilous Arden, out of Raindowne, started his education at Arden Lodge. John likes the way he took everything in his stride and says that he is a quick learner. He has a mature attitude despite being a youngster born 11th January 2020. He has now been sold and is being educated at Craig Ferguson Racing Stables. Craig says he is going around good..is well behaved and pacing well in the cart.
Here he is on the 21st May after being worked at Craig's.

* Johanna Arden (Vincent/ Young Tegan) has completed the first stage of her education with Tim Trathen. She is currently at Arden Lodge.

* Denise Ottley was educating Divine Arden (Art Major/Real Wings) for Simon Pulley where the word was "She is a lovely filly." She is being be trained at Todd Racing - currently spelling.

* First Choice Arden (Bettor's Delight/Arden's Choice) has been broken in at Grant Payne's and has made very good progress. She is very sensible and is doing everything right. John and Judy got to see her in action and are happy that she has been retained. She is currently at Arden Lodge.

Photos from Charlotte Mooney
* Filly Goldie Arden (Art Major/ Southwind Arden) is being broken in by Katie Cox.

*Trotting filly Celtic Arden (What The Hill/ Surfin Sunsation) has broken in well for the team at Houghton Racing Stables. Here she is on only her seventh day in the cart.
And in this video it is only her second day in the cart - she is nice and quiet and a 'natural'.
Robert Dunne has reported that Celtic Arden has broken in beautifully and he is excited by the What The Hill youngsters that he has. Here is Celtic Arden at Houghton Racing Stables September 2021. Photo Stacey White.

* Venturesome Arden (Captaintreacherous/ Arden's Darlin) was purchased by Robert Dunn and he has also been broken in at Houghton Racing Stables. In the video he is the horse running in behind.

* Filly Eminent Arden (Bettor's Delight/Tuapeka Art) is being broken in by Matty White for Bond Racing WA.

* Arden's Ideal (American Ideal/ Ardenart ) was very good in the cart for Michael Purdon and his video was up on Michael Purdon Racing Facebook page on 24th March. He was not at all bothered by the videographer.
Link to the video: https://fb.watch/5fpqfQX7_Q/