January has been largely about preparing nine yearlings for the NZB Standardbred Yearling Sales in Christchurch and bringing home mares and foals from Macca Lodge. Videos were completed on the 4th January and photos on a very hot day four days later. The Stivens are happy with how the yearlings have improved even more since filming and were looking forward to showing them to potential buyers on the Southern Bred Southern Reared tour but unfortunately the tour has been canceled. The yearlings will arrive at Canterbury Agricultural Park on Sunday 13th February and the first five will sell on Tuesday and remaining four on Wednesday 15th.

During January mares and foals were brought home from Macca Lodge. There are now three colts and two fillies at Arden Lodge.
Arden's Choice (Panspacificflight/Winter Rose) has a Captaintreacherous colt at foot and is in foal to Tall Dark Stranger.

L'oiseau De Nuit (by Christian Cullen) has a Vincent colt at foot and is in foal to Downbytheseaside.

Ardenart ( by Artsplace) has a Downbytheseaside filly at foot and is in foal to Downbytheseaside.

Trotting mare by Sundon Surfin Sunsation has an En Solitaire colt who was born in September.

Venus Serena (Mach Three/ Inspiring Dash) has a Bettor's Delight filly at foot and is in foal to Tall Dark Stranger.

As well as yearling preparation and mares and foals coming home there has been some development of the Arden Lodge property. The good patch of summer weather made the task much easier.
