The foaling season is underway and the Stivens are very happy with their three colts and two fillies born in October. The mares go to Macca Lodge for foaling and Judy and John keenly await news from the team there that they have healthy foals on the ground.
This season none have been more keenly awaited than the first of four expected foals by the new stallion Tall Dark Stranger. It didn't take a fortune teller to tell them that they could expect a tall dark stranger into their lives. Eleven months ago they sent four of their broodmares to the son of Bettor's Delight, expecting that his breeding with Art Major in the mix, would produce something special. He hasn't disappointed.
Rocknroll Hanover mare Rocknroll Arden had a foal on the 26th October and the next day, even in wet conditions, the Stivens were impressed with how the young colt looked. He is tall, he is dark......and he is handsome.
Two days later Somebeachsomewhere mare Arden's Rose had a TDS filly and the Stivens were quick to visit Macca Lodge.
Arden's Choice (Panspacificflight x Winter Rose) is currently at Macca Lodge with the arrival of her TDS expected anytime soon. Mach Three mare Venus Serena is still at Arden Lodge as her TDS foal is not due until December.
The first of the Stivens' broodmares to foal this season was Raindowne (Lifesign x Tuapeka Tango) ) who had a Lazarus colt on 13th October.
Southwind Arden (Bettor's Delight x Winter Rose) has had a Captaintreacherous filly. She was four days old and wouldn't stay still when John and Judy saw her in the rain.
On 28th October Christian Cullen mare L'oiseau De Nuit had a Downbytheseaside colt. The progeny of the stallion have been having "seasational" results in the US.
* On the track October saw Arden-bred Arden Roanoke (Art Major x Rocknroll Arden) pass the $100 k threshold when he won the 'Download The TAB App Today Pace' at Tabcorp Park Australia. The six year old gelding was driven by Nathan Jack for trainer Ben Yole. He has won 13 races and been placed a further 20 times.
* Arden-bred Arden's Horizon (Bettor's Delight x Arden's Rose) has raced well during October for two wins and a strong finishing second in Western Australia. His trainer driver Callun Suvaljko told viewers on The Trots WA Twitter, "He's been racing well and won quite well (Gloucester Park 11th October), plugs still in. He seems to be improving each run."
*Melody Arden (Art Major x Venus Serena) struck a record breaking heat of the NZ Sires Stakes for only her second race start. She performed better than her first start second for driver Mark Hurrell but is not ready to be competitive in the final on the Show Day meeting of the NZ Cup Week. Trainer Grant Payne will enter her in another race.
* Arden Lodge has syndicated a young Vincent colt out of L'oiseau De Nuit to an enthusiastic group of owners from around the South Island. For some members it is their first experience of owning and racing a standardbred while others also have shares in other Arden-bred horses. Arden's Masterpiece is being broken in by Grant Payne at Rolleston.

This month's photo gallery includes unseasonal snowfall in the first week of October and Arden's Delight (Bettor's Delight x Rocknroll Arden) getting worked in the cart. Fillies by Captaintreacherous, Vincent, Fear The Dragon, Bettor's Delight and Downbytheseaside look on.